Since its establishment on July 7, 1970 when the Seoul-Busan Expressway was opened, Kongsung has played a leading role in the industry of piping tools and instruments on the basis of thorough partisanship and accumulated technological know-how. 

Korea made KSU pipe threading machine, fulfilled the accuracy, safety & economical.

KSU PIPE THREADING MACHINE- KSU has developed the pipe threading machine for the first time in Korea and this machine features excellence in cutting force, precision, safety and economic feasibility. Screw cutting can be performed from 1/4 inch to 4 inches depending on the machine type. 100A is the only product that is manufactured by KSU in Korea and it can process up to 4 inches, facilitating great processing efficiency by adopting 3-speed change type. 80A features 3 models to meet the customers’ needs of a great variety: 3-speed change type, time belt operating type, high-powered amature motor type. 50A and 40A can cut screws up to 2 inches and 11/2 inches separately, featuring the compact size itself.
Pipe threading machines of KSU is automatically fueled with the cutting oil which enhances the life expectancy of the dice and it guarantees the convenience and safety of the work when automatic die head operation is selected. The life expectancy of the product is relatively long-lasting with the features of the product material of automatic plate casting and the product manufacturing system of extremely sensitive processing method.

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Light and strong due to body and base are united as a one. High working speed and rapid changing of die head and Dies.

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