DK Tools Supplies offer wide range of meters and testers for brand kyoritsu, sanwa, fluke, megger, uni-t, kaise, tes & edison. You are welcome to our website for more information.
We offer a wide range of industrial quality tester & meter. An excellent choice of brand, qualities and price to suit all application. Electrical test equipment supplier in Malaysia, we offer wide range of test instruments-Digital Multimeter, Analog Multimeter, Clamp Meter, Earth Tester, Earth Loop Tester, Lux Meter, Light Meter, Tachometer, Infrared Thermometer, Digital Thermometer, Humidity/Hygro Thermometer, Insulation Tester, Power Factor Meter, RCD Tester, Phase Rotation Tester, Vibration Tester, Sound Lever Tester,etc.